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15 people who literally ruined Christmas

Thanks a lot, guys.

1. The guy who trolled his sister by putting her presents in a MacBook Pro box

JdgcwKe Source: Imgur

hLAiZg7 Source: Imgur

2. The grown-up who had to choose between alcohol and a toy… and chose alcohol

xsNYkr7 Source: Imgur

3. The guy who took “just a little off the top” of this Christmas tree

hSXcYRF Source: Imgur

4. This cat that ruined a perfectly nice photo of a Christmas tree

wnLTM Source: Imgur

5. The person who thought this was a suitable office Christmas tree


oYCvKlt (1) Source: Imgur

6. Whoever made this decision

cadb Source: Telegraph

7. The person in Play-Doh who approved this phallic-shaped toy

B6KPSPnIgAAeweX Source: GoBobbo/Twitter

8. The person who thought this was a good idea

tumblr_mwbyneFADn1r7kt0vo1_500 Source: You Ruined Christmas

9. The kid who ruined the magic for everyone else

tumblr_mesecnzBLt1qkyn8ho1_500 Source: hairandbrokenglasses/Tumblr

10. This gal.

We’ve all been there.

tumblr_mfgm1tesPV1r7kt0vo1_500 Source: You Ruined Christmas/Tumblr

11. The person who got their Secret Santa a bin lid

IRvk7xz Source: Imgur

12. This baby for making Santa cry

RJW51 Source: Imgur

13. These parents

Og6eS Source: Imgur

14. This shameless cat

Look at his face. He’s ruined Christmas and he doesn’t even care.

CI11SFkWcAABElJ Source: Kaitlyn Schwers/Twitter

15. And these ungrateful teens

MDSY1 Source: Imgur

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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