1. The guy who trolled his sister by putting her presents in a MacBook Pro box
2. The grown-up who had to choose between alcohol and a toy… and chose alcohol
3. The guy who took “just a little off the top” of this Christmas tree
4. This cat that ruined a perfectly nice photo of a Christmas tree
5. The person who thought this was a suitable office Christmas tree
6. Whoever made this decision
7. The person in Play-Doh who approved this phallic-shaped toy
8. The person who thought this was a good idea
9. The kid who ruined the magic for everyone else
10. This gal.
We’ve all been there.
11. The person who got their Secret Santa a bin lid
12. This baby for making Santa cry
13. These parents
14. This shameless cat
Look at his face. He’s ruined Christmas and he doesn’t even care.
15. And these ungrateful teens